Locally First
Shop local and make a personal investment in your community. A 2012 Retail Study by University of Illinois Extension Educator Susan Odum reflected a retail trade leakage of $44 million for Union County, suggesting local residents spend a significant amount of their retail trade dollars outside of the county. We want to change that! Invest in the community you call home and shop locally first to encourage continued growth in our vibrant, prosperous and resilient Union County, Illinois economy.
Keep Your Dollars in Union County
Be aware of the goods and services you CAN purchase here. Do we have everything? No. Do we have more than you realize? YES!!!!! Not sure? Ask friends. Post a message. Get recommendations.
Compare prices AND service. Add the gas used and the TIME lost to shop and you may learn there is little to no difference in price, but a big difference in customer service and local benefits when shopping locally.
Local businesses support existing jobs and create an environment for new job growth for the near and distant future, perhaps even for your children!
Though the privately owned Mom and Pop stores funnel more of their money back into our economy, in Union County the corporate stores also strengthen our tax base for Union County services and provide many jobs.
How many of the people you know owner are employed at businesses here in Union County? They are the ones who support community teams, groups, and events; employ local people; and bring in money to support local services. Think of them FIRST.
When given a choice, CHOOSE to spend your money in Union County. We ALL benefit from a stronger economy.
We CAN make a difference in the future of Union County, the place where we, and hopefully our children, call HOME!

Show Your Love for Local
Spend $20 on 20
We love our local businesses and want to support them. On the 20th of each month, we encourage you to eat, drink and shop local at one, or more, of our Union County businesses. Help our community thrive and invest in the community you call home.